Saturday, 13 December 2008

Angels Sanguine Insignia Logo Tutorial.

Ok, well i know i haven't posted up any pictures of my actually army yet, well theres a simple answer to this, i don't have one, not much Morale boosting i know, but Ive got spare marines laying around and i decided to paint one up as a test model, i must say I'm pretty proud of it, i also tried free hand painting the Insignia Logo on there left arm, which in this tutorial i will show you how to do it, step by step! may i just add, I'm better at free hand painting on miniatures then in actual photoshop :)

Ok so without further a'do here you go, enjoy.

Paint's Used:
(All paints used are from Games-Workshop.)

Scab Red.
Blood Red.
Golden Yellow.
Chaos Black.
Adeptus Battlegrey.(Foundation Paint)
Codex Grey.
Skull White.

Step # 1

Ok here we go, Firstly do a straight line near the top quarter of the shoulder pad with Scab Red, Red Gore will do the same effect basically, but i personally prefer Scab Red.(see image below for example) make sure you do both sides of the wings, the left and the right top wing.

Step # 2

Now add the second set of layers using the same color, remember just because i only have painted the right side on the image, i still did the left hand side of it at the same time when i did my test model.

Step # 3

Ok step three is pretty boring as before, just had the third layer of feathers.(well, line but you can tell its implying as a pair of wings)

Step # Conclusion:

Ok so this is what you should have on your painted model so far.

Step # 4

Ok Step 4 is where is starts to get interesting, it actually has life now, it doesn't just look like 6 lines on a shoulder pad, this part you paint a circle on your pad where you want the skull, i personally went with the Angel Wings in-line with the top of the skull, put, the actually logo itself of the Angels-Sanguine actually have there wings pointing up and raised over the skull, so this is where you take your Adeptus-Battlegrey and paint a circle in the center of the wings.

Step # 5

This is the part we add in the jaw, pretty simple just draw a rough square at the bottom of the circle :)

Step # 6

This is where i added the last set of lines(Feathers) i personally fount it easier to do it now because you know where the jaw line stops so you can have the feathers as long or short as you want.

Step Rap-Up:

Ok just to have a brief look at where we are at the moment, we have the wings in place, with the skull in spot, Ive added a white circle to the next image, just to show you that your trying to make the wings circular to make them look in-proximity to each other, note, i DID NOT add this white circle onto the shoulder pad that i painted, this is just an example of how circular you want the wings.

Step # 7

ok on this bit i went in with Blood Red and put thin lines on the top side of the Feathers, making it look like there is light shining down onto the feathers from directly above them, you can paint the Blood Red where you want, but this looks best in my eyes, make sure you high-light around the skull on the bigger wings(not the the two at the bottom of the jaw)

Step # 8

This is where i went in on the skull with Codex Grey leaving gaps where i want eyes and teeth gaps.

Step # 9

Now is the time to add skull white to the skull itself, making sure you don't go over the eye-sockets and teeth gaps, always water down your white, so you get a clean coat of paint onto the skull, even if this takes two-three stages to do, its worth it, trust me :)

Step # 10

Adding the blood drop to the top of the skull, is important, i personally believe it makes this are Army Significant, yes its not Blood Angels Directly but its still showing, after death they still willing pledge there allegiance to Sanguinius and will die for him.

Step # 11

Now High light the Blood Drop with Blood Red

Step # 12

Ok the image below looks abit weird, because well, this is the step, you go in around the skull with a thin black line, to make the skull stand out from the skull and the wings, when i painted this bit in photoshop i thought to myself, i should of painted this on a black background so it wouldn't look so stupid, oh well :) remember make it a thin line, you still want to see the red high lights around the skull you did earlier, i did the black on this image, too thick.

Ok Here is the final picture with a black background! You ask why is it so important that I'm making such a fuss for it to be on a black background? well thats simple, Angels-Sanguine as you will probably know are painted, Half Red Half Black, well on the Red side of the body is where you put the insignia of what squad/ Choice they are( Troops, Heavy Support etc..) and on the black side of the marine is where he puts his Chapters Insignia, basically if i put the image on a black background you would see how good it looks on a black model( well within reason right?)

Well enough of my little talk to myself here you go:

Now you see why that black line comes into it around the skull, much more effective :)

Cheers for your time guys and girls, really is appreciated, hope you find the tutorial an enjoyment rather then a teaching, because i had lots of fun putting this together, ill get some images of my guy up soon!

Friday, 12 December 2008

Hey Welcome!

Hi Just want to post up and say Hello, Ill be making a Angels Sanguine Army very shortly, so keep checking back, and ill keep it up to date with each Squad/Leader/Vehichle added.

Cheers sKP